Government of Colombia
Layers of Interoperability Colombia
On behalf of the Colombian government, GreenBee has investigated interoperability for EV charging infrastructure in Colombia. The Colombian government has the strong ambition to further promote the market for EV’s as part of the ambition to reduce CO2-emissions.
To achieve this, Colombia needs a well-functioning charging infrastructure ecosystem. Within an open market for energy supply and related services, as is the case with Colombia, the provision of charging infrastructure is considered a market-driven service. Any open market needs a level of interoperability, in order to function cost-efficiently and deliver customer-centric products and services.
Our report provides a theoretical framework, introducing ‘layers of interoperability’ as a concept, to describe interoperability in EV charging infrastructure. The report also includes recommendations, based on reference cases from the Latin America region, Europe, and California and based on interviews held with local stakeholders in Colombia. The theoretical framework in this report provides a foundation for policies and regulation to be developed and implemented in Colombia.